Responsible Body

Administrative region of Upper Bavaria (Bezirk Oberbayern)
District of Pfaffenhofen/Ilm (Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm)
Municipality of Wolnzach (Markt Wolnzach)
Association Deutsches Hopfenmuseum e. V. Wolnzach

The German Hop Museum is a public sector organization. The “Zweckverband Deutsches Hopfenmuseum” is the carrier of the museum. This is a cooperation of the administrative region of Upper Bavaria, the district of Pfaffenhofen/Ilm, the municipality of Wolnzach and the “Association Deutsches Hopfenmuseum e. V. Wolnzach”. The “Zweckverband Deutsches Hopfenmuseum” was established in 1990.

Logo Bezirk OberbayernCoat of arms Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a.d. IlmCoat of arms Markt Wolnzach Logo Deutsches Hopfenmuseum e.V.

Sponsors and Friends

The German Hop Museum is a unique institution both in the museum landscape and in the brewery and hop scene. The presentation of the exceptional collection with modern representation means in a spectacular museum building creates a platform making the museum an interesting communication instrument. Only the close partnership with our sponsors and friends made the creation of the German Hop Museum’s permanent exhibition possible. We wish to thank you for your trust. We offer to our sponsors and friends a forum for communication as well as an instrument for customer and employee loyalty. This concept is media attracting, extraordinary and memorable at the same time. Sponsors may also find additional offers attractive, like the museum’s own function rooms, guided tours or exclusive gifts.

Logo Sparkasse Pfaffenhofen a.d. IlmLogo Bayerische SparkassenstiftungLogo Spaten BreweryLogo HopsteinerLogo HVG GermanyLogo Barth Haas HopsLogo Hopfenpflanzerverband HallertauLogo Bayer Crop ScienceLogo Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen MuseenCoat of arms Bayerischer BrauerbundLogo Genossenschafsverband BayernLogo Bayerische LandesstiftungLogo BayernwerkLogo Regierung von OberbayernLogo Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte